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Social media and COVID-19

In the context of the health emergency caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, social media analysis is an essential tool to understand the content, structure and nature of public discourse related to the pandemic. Because of this, subject of study aims to use statistical methods, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to characterize the conversation on different platforms and, thus, answer the following questions:

  • What are the most shared topics related to COVID-19 in Colombia?

  • What are the most prevalent emotions, positions, and attitudes regarding public policies defined in the framework of the pandemic and issues of interest prioritized by COLEV?

  • What are the elements and propagation structure of different pieces of disinformation spread on social networks?

Tagged database of publications in Colombian Spanish on Twitter and Facebook

Research in progress

Even though there are databases of tagged digital content for different purposes, there are few resources that are representative of Colombian Spanish present on social networks. Likewise, transfer learning (i.e., using models trained in other languages) using transformers and multilingual numerical representations or implementing translation-Re-translation strategies are not enough to capture the richness and detail of this geographic variant of Spanish. Because of this, we decided to design and tag a database of tweets and posts on Facebook collected since the beginning of the pandemic around the following themes defined by COLEV: 1) vaccination, 2) education and schools, 3) domestic violence and 4) mental health, with an emphasis on identifying vulnerable populations. This database will serve as input for automatic content classification algorithms.

Visualization of statistics and frequent topics related to COVID-19 in Colombia

Research progress

The topics that are discussed in social networks change over time and depend on the social, political, health, and economic phenomena that occur in parallel at different geographical scales. The objective of this board is to visualize the dynamism of the topics related to COVID-19 that have been discussed on Twitter and Facebook since the first COVID-19 case was reported in Colombia, along with their main engagement metrics, such as likes, comments and retweets / shares, among others.

Internet penetration and social networks in Colombia

In order to determine the scope, relevance and representativeness of the analysis of social networks in Colombia, we made a description of the penetration and use of internet and social networks in Colombia based on: 1) Data from the 2020 Americas Barometer (LAPOP) , 2) the Global Digital Yearbook (2020) by We Are Social and Hootsuite, and 3) studies carried out by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies of Colombia.