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Mis and disinformation museum

The Museum of Disinformation is a concept that articulates a series of data collection, analysis and visualization initiatives focused on the issue of disinformation and misinformation related to COVID-19 in Colombia. It is a series of strategies that articulate design, big data and machine learning methodologies seeking to understand what disinformation is, what its dynamics are like, and how it affects the course of the current pandemic. On the other hand, the museum is understood as a disruptive communication process that allows the positioning of ideas, concepts and debates through the results created and displayed by the museum.


A year of disinformation in Colombia

It is the first piece of data visualization that is part of the Museum of Disinformation; It is a temporary and historical approximation of the evolution of false news about COVID-19 in our country in the last year. It shows a curatorship, a selection, of pieces of disinformation that have circulated through different media, social networks, and text messaging systems that allows us to discern narrative, discursive and symbolic connections in the set of pieces of misinformation and false information. In order to create this visualization, a dataset was built from the webpages of the media outlets in charge of factchecking false news; the visual proposal was graphically designed and the visualization was developed from scratch using the JavaScript programming language.

Understanding disinformation: Series of online conferences

The framework of the project in which the Museum of Disinformation operates requires the articulation of knowledge that comes from different fields: design, communications, medicine, epidemiology, and computer science, to name a few. This field of action of a transdisciplinary nature requires looking for relevant references that allow us to understand what we are doing to enrich the reference frameworks in which we propose our actions and optimize the use of the tools with which we work. This series of conferences seeks to publicize the dialogue with experts in different areas and with social groups interested in these problems to clarify concepts and outline mechanisms of action that allow us to understand phenomena such as disinformation.